👤 Who Am I

I’m a Software Engineer from San Marino , a little country located in Italy but not actually part of Italy. It’s the oldest republic in the world and usually referred to as “the ancient land of freedom”, due to its history of peace and independence.

I studied at Alma Mater Studiorum 🏫, University of Bologna, and graduated in Computer Engineering (L-8):

  • LT 0926 (first cycle degree)
  • LM 5826 (second cycle degree) with honours

🧰 Tech Stack and Skills


C C++ C# Java Kotlin Bash Bash Python Go Dart Lua HTML HTML CSS CSS JavaScript JavaScript SQL SQL LaTeX LaTeX

Tools and Frameworks

Apisix Apisix Unity Unity Flutter Blender Git Gradle Gradle Nginx Etcd Figma SDL OpenGL OpenCV OpenCV Tensorflow Keras Pandas Pandas Seaborn SciKit-Learn Hugo Docker Kubernetes Helm Azure Gcloud


Windows Linux Raspberry Pi Android Android Arduino Web Web

📈 Stats


GitHub Stats GitHub Stats   GitHub Top Languages GitHub Top Languages

Snake animation Snake animation


Leetcode stats Leetcode stats